Tee Time
Looking for a cocktail that’s refreshing enough for daylight hours but still packs in plenty of flavor? Shake up a Tee Time from Louisville bartender extraordinaire Dante Wheat, who’s worked at bars all over town and is currently the bar manager at Neat Bourbon Bar and Bottle Shop. A combination of rich Barrell Bourbon, bright lemon juice and bergamot liqueur, and sweet smoked honey make the Tee Time both complex and invigorating — just the thing for an afternoon on the golf course.
Tee Time
1 oz Italicus Rosolio di Bergamotto
3/4 oz freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 oz smoked honey (any kind)
2 dashes orange bitters
Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake, then strain into a chilled tumbler filled with fresh ice or serve up.